Sr Azure Cloud DevOps Engineer Resume Detroit, MI - Hire IT People (2024)

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Sr Azure Cloud Devops Engineer Resume

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Detroit, MI

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  • An Ardent Professional with an experience of 8+ years in IT industry comprising knowledge in Configuration Management tools like Ansible, Chef, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) using Azure DevOps, Cloud Automation, Version Control, End - to-End Automation, Build and Release, Linux and System Administration with cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), OpenStack, GCP, under the Unix/Linux/Windows platform’s with strong knowledge on the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM)in Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Good Knowledge in executing Microsoft Azure Service, Azure cloud administrations which incorporates Azure Active Directory (AAD), Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Key Vault, Azure cloud services, Azure storage, IIS, Azure Blob Storage, Azure VMs, SQL Database, Azure Functions, Azure Service Fabric, Azure Monitor, Azure Service Bus, Azure Monitoring, Log Analytics Workspace and Application Insights.
  • Proficiency in working with Azure administrations including Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Resource Groups, VPN, Azure DNS, Network Peering, Load Balancing, Application Gateways, Azure web application, App administrations, Auto-Scaling and Traffic Manager.
  • Ability in Azure Scalability and Azure Availability - Build VMs accessibility sets utilizing the Azure entrance to give strength to IaaS based arrangement and Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) utilizing Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to oversee network traffic.
  • Expertise in AWS services such as EC2, Load Balancer, Lambda, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, VPC, Route53, IAM, WAF, CloudFormation, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Code Build, Code Commit, Code Deploy, Code Pipeline, EC2 Container Service, EBS, Elastic Beanstalk, Security Groups, SNS, VPCs.
  • Expertise in Cloud Formation templates and deploying AWSresources using itand Creating alarms and notifications for EC2 instances using Cloud Watch and installed the applications On AWSEC2 instances and configured the storage on S3 buckets.
  • Strong experience with AWS IAM service in creating IAM users & groups, defining roles and policies and Identity providers, working with other teams consistently providing them customer service and helping them in integrating with IAM and as a part of Integration Team worked on Dev0pson AWS.
  • Implemented AWSLambda Functions to run scripts in response to event in Amazon Dynamo DB table, S3 buckets, and HTTP requests using Amazon API Gateway. Also wrote AWS Lambda Functions in Python for AWS Lambda which invokes Python scripts to perform various analytics on large data sets in EMR clusters.
  • Experience in migrating On-premises infrastructure to cloud platforms like AWS/Azure/Rackspace/Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) and involved in virtualization using (VMware), Open Stacks and infrastructure orchestration using containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Experience in migrating the Legacy application into GCPPlatform and managing the GCP Services
  • Hands on Experience Using AzureKubernetes Service to deploy and managed Kubernetes cluster in Azureand created an AKS cluster in the Azure portal, with the AzureCLI, also used template driven deployment options
  • Implemented Containerization and Orchestration using Docker for micro service-based applications and using Docker to set upELKwith Docker-Compose and virtualized the servers using the Docker for the test environments and Agile Dev-Environments.
  • Created Pods and managed utilizingKubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build, test and deploy.
  • Deployed Kubernetes Clusters on cloud/on-premises environments with master/minion architecture and wrote many YAML files to create many services like Pods, Deployments, Auto Scaling, Load Balancers, Health Checks, Namespaces etc.
  • Created reproducible builds of theKubernetes applications, managedKubernetes manifest files and managed releases of Helm packages. Good knowledge in Developing CI/CD system with Jenkins onKubernetes container environment, utilizingKubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build and test and deploy.
  • Extensively worked on monitoring tools like Splunk, Nagios, Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana and worked on ticketing tools like JIRA, ServiceNow.
  • Used Ansibleand AnsibleTower as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys critical applications, and proactively manages change and Experience in managing Ansible Playbooks with Ansible Roles, Group Variables, Inventory Files, copy and remove files on remote systems using File Module.
  • Experience on working with the release and deployment in various environments like Ubuntu, Linux, and Windows.
  • Linux/Unix system administrator on RedHat EL, 5.x, 6.x, CentOS 4.x,5.x and VMware environment. Involved in migrating physical Linux/Windows servers to cloud (AWS) and testing.
  • Proficient with Shell, Python, Ruby, Perl, Power Shell, Node.js, JSON, YAML, Groovy scripting languages.


Cloud: Azure, AWS, OpenStack.

Infrastructure Management Tools: Terraform, ARM Templates, Cloud Formation

Configuration Management Tools: Ansible, Chef, Puppet

CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, Azure DevOps, Hudson, Bamboo


Container Tools: Docker, Kubernetes

Version-Control Tools: GIT, Azure Repo, CVS, SVN, Bit Bucket

Monitoring Tools: ELK, Cloud watch, Nagios, Splunk

S cripting: Perl, Python, /Shell, Ruby, XML, JSON, POWERSHELL, YAML, GROOVY

Application Servers: WebLogic 9.x/10.x, WebSphere 6.x/7.x/8.x, JBOSS 4.1

Web Servers: Apache HTTP, Nginx, Apache TOMCAT


Operating Systems: Linux, UBUNTU, UNIX, WINDOWS

Virtualization Tech: VMware vSphere ESXi, VMware Workstation, Oracle Virtual box


Confidential, Detroit, MI

Sr Azure Cloud DevOps Engineer


  • Configured Azure App Services, Azure App Service Environment, Azure Function App, Azure Application Insights, Azure Application Gateway, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Azure Functions, Azure DNS, using ARM templates and Azure DevOps YAML pipelines.
  • Designed Azure Automation Accounts, Graphical runbooks, PowerShell runbooks that will automate specific tasks. Migrated on-prem AD to Azure AD using Azure AD Connect.
  • Worked on Site-to-site & Point-to-Site VPNs, Virtual Networks, Network Security Groups, Load balancers, Storage Accounts.
  • Configured RBAC and Azure Monitor for adding security in Azure Cloud and Network Security Groups for Subnet and NIC level for Azure Virtual Machine.
  • Involved in Serverless services (Azure Functions) where I created and configured HTTP Triggers in the Azure Functions with Application insights for monitoring and performing the load testing on the Applications using the VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services).
  • Created and implemented (Azure Resource Manager) ARM templates and deployed them using the Azure portal, also used Azure quick start templates for CloudInfrastructure design and implementation to deploy Web applications on Azure PowerShell Workflow
  • Created Azure SQL database, performed Monitoring and Restoring of Azure SQL database. Performed migration of On-premises Microsoft SQL server to Azure SQL database.
  • Expertise in Azure Development and worked on Azure Web Application, App Services, Azure Storage, Azure SQL Database, Virtual Machines, Fabric Controller, Azure AD, Azure Search, and Notification Hub.
  • Configured Azure Virtual Networks, subnets, DHCP Address Blocks, Azure Network Settings, DNS Settings, Security Policies and Routing. Also, deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines and Cloud services (PaaS role instances) into secure Virtual Networks and subnet.
  • Created Azure Automation Assets, Graphical runbooks, PowerShell runbooks that will automate specific tasks, deployed Azure AD Connect, configuring ADFS authentication flow, ADFS installation using Azure AD Connect.
  • Implemented Enterprise Integration architecture usingAzure Service Bus, App Service, Active Directory, Storage, hybrid connection manager, active directory authentication forAzureSQL server and other services offerings byAzure.
  • Experience in configuring Azure WebApps, Azure AppServices, Azure Application Insights, Azure Application Gateway, AzureDNS, AzureTraffic Manager, AppServices, Analyzing Azure Networks.
  • UsedAzureKubernetes Service (AKS) to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster inAzureand created an AKS cluster in theAzureportal used template driven deployment options such as Azure Resource Manager templates and Terraform.
  • Worked on setup the Kubernetes sandbox on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) for testing the different features and manage containerized applications using its Nodes, ConfigMaps, Selectors, Services and deployed application containers as Pods.
  • Worked on Azure DevOps, creation of Pipeline for various ARM Template Deployments by passing variables through Pipeline Variables and Variable Groups and Publish Pipeline Artifacts creations and Release Pipeline creations for variables stages like Dev, Test and Prod which kicks-in when the build is created.
  • Written Runbooks in PowerShell and deployed usingAzure DevOpstoAutomation Accounts. Release pipelines usedAAD Application Registration (service principal)in the Azure DevOpsService Connectionsfor authentication to Azure. Runbook usesConnectionsfor Authentication.
  • Expertise in using Docker to containerize custom web applications and deploy them on Digital Ocean with Ubuntu instances through SWARM Cluster and to automate the application deployment in cloud using Vagrant.
  • Extensively involved in setting up Kubernetes (k8s) clusters for running microservices and implemented a Kubernetes Container Orchestration solution within OpenStack allowing for easy management, creation & recovery of OpenStack assets and managed the container using Docker
  • Expertise in using Kubernetes for Running/Managing Containers, Images and Container Snapshots, while creating a platform for Automating, deploying, scaling of application containers across Clusters of hosts.
  • Evaluated Kubernetes for Docker container orchestration and managed Kubernetes charts using Helm and created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications, templatize Kubernetes manifests, provide a set of configuration parameters to customize the deployment and Managed releases of Helm Packages.
  • Validated deployments in Kubernetes by establishing a local development workflow that used Minikube and implemented Kubernetes interface by creating RESTful API's to read, delete, store and update bucket information on Kubernetes Console.
  • Extensively worked on Terraform modules that had version conflicts to utilize during deployments to enable more control or missing capabilities. Managed different infrastructure resources, like physical machines, VMs and Docker containers using Terraform.
  • Used Terraform to Create, Change and Improve Production Infrastructure and Maintained Versioning Infrastructure, Safely and Efficiently by custom in-house solutions.

Confidential, Cary, North Carolina

Sr. Azure Cloud Platform Engineer


  • Implemented Azure Active Directory for single sign-on access to thousands of cloud SaaS applications like Office 365, Dropbox. Worked as cloud Engineer, involved in configuration for Web Apps/Function Apps, V-Net Integration, HCM, Application Gateway, App Insights, Active Directory, Azure Key Vault, Encryption and Security on Azure
  • DeployedAzure IaaS Virtual Machines (VMs) and Cloud services (PaaS Role Instances) into secure VNets and Subnets. ConfiguredAzureTraffic Manager to build routing for user traffic Infrastructure Migrations: Drive Operational efforts to migrate all legacy services to a fully Virtualized Infrastructure.
  • Azure Front Door isa Modern Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) service that delivers high performance, Scalability, and secure user experiences for your content and applications
  • Built an application environment to operate at high availability in different Azure regions by using CDN, Azure Traffic Manager, App Services-Web Apps, Active Directory, Storage Queues, Cognitive Services, Azure Search, Storage Blobs, Redis cache, and SQL Database.
  • Prepared capacity and architecture plan to create the Azure cloudenvironment to host migrated IaaS VMs and PaaS role instances for refactored applications and databases. Established connection from Azure to On-premises datacenter using Azure ExpressRoute for Single and Multi-subscription connectivity.
  • Deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) and Cloud services (PaaS) into secure VNets and subnets, creating pipelines for deploying code from GitHub to Kubernetes cluster in the form of Docker containers using Spinnaker.
  • Worked on Server less services (Azure Functions) created and configured HTTP Triggers in the Azure Functions with Application insights for monitoring and performing load testing on the Applications using the VSTS.
  • Hands on Experience in designing and implementing Service Oriented Architecture underlined with Ingress and Egress using Azure Data Lake Store & Azure Data Factory by adding blobs to lakes for analytic results and so pull data from Azure Data Lake to the Blobs.
  • Configure continuous integration from source control, setting up build definition within Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and configure continuous delivery to automate the deployment of ASP.NET MVC applications to Azure Web Apps.
  • Built a prototype Azure Data Lake Application that accesses 3rd Party data services via Web Services. The solution Dynamically Scales, automatically adding/removing cloud-based compute, storage and network resources based upon changing workloads.
  • Worked on Serverless Services, created and configured HTTP Triggers in the Azure Functions with application insights for Monitoring and Performing Load Testing on the applications using the Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)also called as Azure DevOps Services.
  • Installed Azure CLI on the self-hosted agent to make use within the Azure DevOps Pipeline for organization.
  • Performed configuration ofAzure App Services, Application Insights,Azure DNS,Azure Network Watcher and implementingAzureSite Recovery,AzureStack, Backup and Automation Cosmos DB, API-Management using Azure DevOps build and Release pipelines
  • Worked on an Azure DevOps Data Migration tool that provides a high-fidelity approach to transfer collection databases from Azure DevOps Server to Azure DevOps Services.
  • Deployed and optimized two tier Java, Python web applications to Azure DevOps CI/CD to focus on development by using services such as Repos to commit codes, Test Plans to unit test, deploy App
  • Worked on Docker-Compose, Docker-Machine to create Docker containers for testing applications in the QA environment and automated the deployment to Nexus, scaling and management of containerized applications.
  • Implemented Docker -Maven-Plugin in and Maven Pom to build Docker Images for all microservices and later used Docker File to build the Docker Images from the java jar files and formed the clusters using Docker Swarm.
  • Wrote PowerShell scripts for administrative tasks and management of the server infrastructure.
  • Write Powershell scripts to deploy and manage SCVMM, Website, App Pool, SQL database restore, Dacpac import.
  • Experienced in OpenShift platform in managing Docker Containers, Kubernetes Clusters, and Mesos and implemented a production ready, load balanced, highly available, fault tolerant Kubernetes infrastructure and created Jenkins Jobs to deploy applications to Kubernetes Cluster.
  • Experience in Setting up Kubernetes (k8s) Clusters for running microservices and pushed microservices into production with Kubernetes backed Infrastructure. Development of automation of Kubernetes Clusters via playbooks in Ansible.
  • Extensively worked on Terraform modules that had version conflicts to utilize during deployments to enable more control or missing capabilities. Managed different infrastructure resources, like Physical Machines, VMs and Docker containers using Terraform.
  • Used Terraform to Create, Change and Improve Production Infrastructure and Maintained Versioning Infrastructure, Safely and Efficiently by Custom In-House Solutions.
  • Created Terraform Templates for provisioning virtual networks, VM Scale sets, Load balancers, NAT rules and used Terraform Graph to visualize execution plan using graph command. Used Terraform to deploy the infrastructure necessary to create development, test, production environments for software development project.

Confidential, Cary, North Carolina

Sr. AWS Cloud Engineer


  • Worked in AWS environment, instrumental in Utilizing Compute Services (EC2, ELB), Storage Services (S3, Elastic Block Storage), Elastic Beanstalk, VPC, SNS, IAM and Cloud Watch.
  • Provided security and managed user access and quota using AWSIdentity and Access Management (IAM), including creating new Policies for user management.
  • Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, Subnets to ensure successful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
  • Worked on AWS DevOps tools like AWS Code-Pipeline to build a Continuous Integration or Continuous Delivery workflow using AWS Code-Build, AWS Code-Deploy, and worked with many other AWS tools to Build and deploy a microservices architecture using ECS.
  • Expertise in writing AWS Cloud Formation Templates in JSON to use them as blueprints for building & deploying multiple AWS resources. Worked on Kinesis Data Streams & Kinesis Firehouse & integrated with AWS Lambda for serverless data collection.
  • Performed AWS cloud deployments for web applications with monitoring using CloudWatch and VPC to manage network configurations. Creating automated deployments job for Tomcat with Jenkins.
  • Used Terraform for Infrastructure as code to deploy EKS clusters and spin up an agent to access the cluster. Created many AWS services using Terraform to automate the process for higher environments.
  • Developed many Terraform modules to create IAM roles and policies for different third-party applications and used Kubernetes service accounts to use the roles.
  • Created a WordPress environment on AWS using Terraform and Ansible, which consists of custom VPC, S3, RDS, EC2, Public and Private subnets, Security Groups, Auto Scaling Groups, ELB, Route53.
  • Created and automated the Jenkins Pipeline using pipeline Groovy Script for the applications and owning the Activity of Upgrading, administering, plug-in management, and User Management and Job creation in Jenkins.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous integration and end-to-end automation for all builds and deployments; implemented CI/CD tools for upgrade, backup, restore, DNS, and SSL configuration
  • Installing, configuring and administering Jenkins CI tool on Linux machines and built Continuous Integration and Continuous delivery environment. Setup Docker on Linux and configured Jenkins to run under Docker Host.
  • Created JenkinsJobs and distributing load on Jenkins Server by configuring Jenkins nodes, which will enable parallel builds.Performed automation of CI/CD Pipeline in private cloud using Jenkins Shared Libraries and multibranch pipeline and automated the static code analysis through SonarQube in Jenkins Pipeline for checking code quality.
  • Worked with Kubernetes to provide a platform for automating deployment, Scaling, and operations of application Containers across Clusters of hosts and managed containerized applications using its Nodes.
  • Deployed Kubernetes Clusters on cloud environments, wrote many YAML files to create many services like Pods, Deployments, Auto-Scaling, Load Balancers, and ManagedKubernetescharts using Helm.
  • Maintained Chef Servers and management application that are used to build and deployment of existing Java applications environment
  • Written several Chef Cookbook and Recipes to automate the installation of Web Logic domain and JDK installations and have customized recipes from Chef supermarket to align with current requirements.

Confidential, New Jersey

Jenkins Engineer


  • Good knowledge of all aspects of Jenkins, including Plugin Management, Jenkins Security, Performance Issues, Analytics, Scaling Jenkins, and combining Code Analysis and Test Phases to complete CD pipelines within Jenkins.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous integration and end-to-end automation for all builds and deployments; implemented CI/CD tools for upgrade, backup, restore, DNS, and SSL configuration.
  • Integrated GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process. Used Git in the SDLC to define the release process and policy for projects.
  • Managed Puppet Enterprise for improvements to the Puppet Development Workflow that supports Unit Testing and Acceptance Testing for individual Puppet Modules.
  • Automated the tasks with Ansible Playbooks by using YAML functions and migrating the servers with the required configuration changes and testing and deploying the machines using Ansible Commands.
  • Performed WebLogic Server administration tasks such as installing, configuring, monitoring and performance
  • Written Python and Shell scripts for automation of daily tasks and developed custom scripts to deploy microservices, monitor repositories and Server storage.
  • Hands on experience in Branching, Merging, Tagging, and maintaining across the environments using SCM tools like GIT, Subversion (SVN), TFS, Bitbucket and used Webhooks for integrating with continuous Integration tools Jenkins, Bamboo and ANT, MAVEN and Gradle for generating builds and Confluence for content collaboration.
  • Configured GIT with Jenkins and schedule jobs using POLL SCM option and integrated to automate the code checkout process. Wrote JUnit test cases for unit, integration, and functional tests, run automatically by Jenkins in the builds triggered by each push to GIT.

System Administrator



  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins, GitHub, and AWS AMI's, whenever a new GitHub branch gets started, Jenkins, our Continuous Integration server, automatically attempts to build a new Docker container from it.
  • Created Branching & Tagging strategy to maintain the source code in the GIT Repository and coordinated with developers to establish and applying appropriate branching, labeling conventions using GIT Source Control.
  • For check in process used Tortoise SVN as a migration tool. Involved in migration of Bamboo Server, Art Factory, Perforce & GIT Server.
  • Worked on Branching, Tagging and Release Activities on Version Control Tools (GIT) and setting up the GIT Repos for Bamboo build jobs.
  • Created and maintained Python scripts for Automating Build and Deployment Process. Utilized Nagios based Open-Source monitoring tools to monitor Linux Cluster nodes.
  • Administered Linux servers for several functions including managing Apache/Tomcat server, mail server, MySQL database, and firewalls in both development and production.
  • Worked on many different concepts of Chef like Roles, Environments, Data Bags, Knife, and Chef Server Admin/Organizations. Written Chef Recipes to automate build/deployment process and Data Bags in Chef for better environment management.

Linux Administrator



  • Linux Administrator in a large team responsible for maintaining Linux operating systems such as RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, and SUSE 10/11. Provided 24/7 On-Call Support on Linux Production Servers. Responsible for maintaining security on RHEL.
  • Developed automated processes that run daily to check disk usage and perform cleanup of file systems on Unix/Linux environments usingShellscripting and Cron. Developed unit and functional tests inPythonand Ruby and developed and maintainedShell Scripts for Build and Release Tasks.
  • Management of RedHat Linux user accounts, groups, directories, file permissions & Sudo rules. Packaged software & maintained repositories using Yum or RPM & Apt or DEB distribution systems.
  • User administration startup and shutdown scripts Cron tab, file system administration (LVM, Veritas, ZFS, SVM), backup Scripting and Automation using Perl Scripting andShellScripting for CentOS Linux Systems.

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Sr Azure Cloud DevOps Engineer Resume Detroit, MI -  Hire IT People (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.